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[속보] 코로나 부산 확진 100명

입력 : 2020-10-21 (17:44:49) | 수정 : 2025-03-14 (19:52:33)

[속보] 코로나 부산 확진 100명

부산에서 코로나19 확진자가 100명을 넘어서며 지역 사회에 다시금 비상이 걸렸다.
부산시 보건당국은 15일 오후, 최근 코로나19 검사 결과 100명이 신규 확진된 사실을 발표했다.
이번 확진자는 평소와 같은 일상에서 감염된 것으로 추정되며, 일부는 이미 감염 경로가 불분명한 상태다.
특히, 이번 확진자 중에는 감염이 확인된 후에도 자가격리를 지키지 않은 사례가 있어 논란이 일고 있다...

 주소 : http://me2.do/Fve9redz 기사 공유

 위 기사 본문은 chatGPT가 작성하였으며, 등장하는 모든 인물, 이름, 집단, 사건은 허구이며 실존하는 것들을 기반으로 하지 않았음.

이 낚시 기사를 쓴 친구가 남긴 메시지

「아빠 이거 가짜야.」

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Breaking News Korea - archives

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現대통령 문제인 결국코로나걸려
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태풍 피해
문제인 대통령 "코로나19 2020년 안에 끝날것이다.."라고..> 코로나19/1단계 진입(YTN)
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[Breaking news] NAVER suddenly stops webtoon service...Why?
[Breaking news] [Seocho-gu Burning School]
[Exclusive] 대통령 The president will eventually get COVID-19.
[Breaking news] Moon Jae In was shot and killed by a mysterious man at the former president's house
[Exclusive] Kim Jae-eon
[Breaking news] She's so pretty... It turned out to be Wonju Nami?
[NEWS] Hong Kong to ban people from going out from next week••• Severe spread of COVID-19•••
[Breaking news] The government will take a break tomorrow. It's Buddha's Birthday
[Exclusive] Lee Chaehyun will debut as an idol.
[Exclusive] President Biden killed a North Korean spy... North Korean spies dominate the White House.
Eg2 and Jang, the head of a popular brand of children's clothing.solo interview
[Breaking news] Kim Dong Eon's death.
[Breaking News] The problematic president said, "Corona 19 will be over in 2020."라고 Corona 19/1 (YTN)
[Comprehensive] I file a complaint against Yoo OO, a former college soccer player who joined Suwon, Gyeonggi-do in November 2019, drank alcohol, forcibly took him to a motel and raped him.
[NEWS] I'm shocked when I hit 260 levels of Jokee bug maple. "I'm at a loss for 5 stone quests from now on."
[Breaking news] Songlin Elementary School closes
[Comprehensive] Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention extends distance by five stages in the event of an increase in confirmed cases.
[Exclusive] Students at Docheon Elementary School in Jinhae should be replaced online from September 19th. There's a fire at Docheoncho in Jinhae
[Breaking news] ㅜㅑㅗ
[Breaking News] Some argue that President Park Geun Hye's corruption was caused for various reasons.
[Breaking news] "Im Jaeyeon"Really"Im Seongmin"...
[Only] Group chat room...It's bad for your health!
[Overall] President Jeong's 2 weeks tour from the 17th.Looking for cooperation with Bobbo.
[Breaking news] When Kim Jung-bin (24) called Park Won-hee (19), the nickname turned out to be "water-drinking hippo."
[Breaking News] The ruling party and the government will consider designating additional temporary holidays on January 31st...Can we have a week off?
A 5.4 magnitude earthquake occurred in Iksan, North Jeolla Province. Reviewing damage to government Iksan.

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