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[NEWS] '민트초코' 많이 먹으면 '스트레스•불면증•감기' 위험 높아

입력 : 2020-10-23 (11:14:44) | 수정 : 2024-11-25 (03:06:32)

[NEWS] '민트초코' 많이 먹으면 '스트레스•불면증•감기' 위험 높아

최근 한 연구 결과에 따르면 민트초코 아이스크림의 과도한 섭취가 스트레스, 불면증, 감기와 같은 건강 문제를 유발할 수 있다는 주장이 제기됐다.
연구진은 민트초코의 주요 성분인 민트와 초콜릿이 뇌의 화학적 균형에 영향을 미친다는 사실을 발견했다.
전문가들은 민트초코가 포함한 설탕과 지방의 고농도가 혈당 수치를 급격히 변화시켜 스트레스 호르몬인 코...

 주소 : http://me2.do/F6zZ3F7F 기사 공유

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「민 초 시 러」

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Breaking News Korea - archives

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[Breaking news] Lee Su A (14 years old) living in Ilsan turned out to be a genius... Scientists are investigating.
Kim Tae-rin, an office worker, about her life plan.
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[Breaking news] Prosecutors are on their way to issue a search warrant for Kim Chan-soo's home.
[Breaking News] Choi Yi-joon of Sangdo Middle School in Bucheon, controversy over the bus related to achieving the platinum of the mobile game Wild Lift... My heart flutters while I'm in a hurry
[Breaking news] Maldives are sinking.
[Exclusive] Gachon University College of Humanities, Hear in... We successfully finished April Fool's Day event. "Shocked".
[Breaking news] I apologize for the controversy over Lee Han-eum's personality."
[Breaking news] At 9:27 p.m., Invasion from North Korea confirmed after North Korean artillery fire, and is currently engaged in battle in Paju
[Breaking news] Lim Jae ○, who lives in Daegu, has been arrested for illegal stock trading.breaking news
[Breaking news] It's a series of webtoons.
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[Breaking news] BTS Jin found dead at 4 PM today.

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