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[속보] 머달 존잘

입력 : 2021-05-15 (13:34:30) | 수정 : 2024-11-22 (03:01:31)

[속보] 머달 존잘

최근 SNS와 온라인 커뮤니티에서 "머달 존잘"이라는 표현이 유행하며 화제를 모으고 있다.
이 용어는 '머리'와 '달콤한'을 결합한 신조어로, 특히 잘생긴 남자를 묘사할 때 사용된다.
이 현상은 단순한 유행을 넘어, 현대 사회에서 외모와 매력에 대한 가치관을 재조명하는 계기를 마련하고 있다.
전문가들은 "머달 존잘"이라는 표현이 젊은 세대 사이에서...

 주소 : https://me2.do/xPIsvtGA 기사 공유

 위 기사 본문은 chatGPT가 작성하였으며, 등장하는 모든 인물, 이름, 집단, 사건은 허구이며 실존하는 것들을 기반으로 하지 않았음.

[Breaking News] Murdal is so handsome. [More News]

[速報] マダル、ジョンジャル。

[速报] 梅达尔超帅

[Скорость] Мудар Зонзаль

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Breaking News Korea - archives

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최건 좆됨을 감지..
민트초코 안먹으면 문재앙 나선다....
백건우 왈 얼굴 개킹받네 라고 하여 논란
내일은 월요일

[NEWS] Cho Se-ho's " drunk driving " eventually got off in the middle of one night and two days
[Breaking News] The problematic president said, "Corona 19 will be over in 2020."라고 Corona 19/1 (YTN)
[Exclusive] There's a shocking controversy over the school life of a male middle school student in danger of closing the school.
[Comprehensive] Hunterdoulascorp. Review of delisting due to accounting fraud.
[Exclusive] [Jungkook shakes 이 Iduri Gate] Prosecutors who acquiesced in the establishment of a paper company suspected of involvement in the NIS
[Exclusive] E-Mart in Gyeongsan, Gyeongsangbuk-do, is scheduled to close in 2022.
[Breaking news] A 20-year-old man died of pain while performing whaling surgery
[Breaking News] From today on, the era of clean women will begin without any legal restrictions...
[Breaking news] Lee Yunwoo (first grader of Soorak Elementary School) won first place in the invention contest
[Breaking news] & Joule Man, come down to the room. Raise your voice.
[NEWS] After the collapse of the traditional Anyang Technical High School soccer team,
[Breaking News] KORAIL, starting today, will return to a full strike, but the date has not been decided...
[Breaking news] Lee Jong-won throws trash at Seoul Stadium... Fines + Stadium Cleaning £
[Breaking news] Ukraine and Russia counterattacked and won.
[Breaking news] 20 is now 18 years old. After your birthday, you're 19 years old
[Exclusive] Hey, you fell for this. LOL #shorts
[Breaking news] Russian military aircraft entered Korean airspace...North Korea's ballistic missile fuel injection.
[NEWS] All schools are closed. It's still dangerous.
[Breaking News] Rawon's beauty has brought men down...
[Breaking news] Yonhap News
[Exclusive] Kim Se-jeong fancafe Min controversy over his personality... Similar to Aunt April's.
[Breaking news] Choi Geon is out of control.
[Breaking news] If you don't eat mint chocolate, you're going to be a literary disaster.
[Breaking news] Baek Gun-woo said, "I'm getting gagged on my face"

[NEWS] チョ·セホ " 飲酒運転 "、結局1泊2日途中下車