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[속보] 응애

입력 : 2022-05-07 (15:43:54) | 수정 : 2025-02-03 (16:14:31)

[속보] 응애

**신생아의 울음소리, 사회적 이슈로 떠오르다** 최근 한 연구 결과, 신생아의 울음소리인 "응애"가 부모와 사회에 미치는 영향이 새로운 주제로 떠오르고 있다.
전문가들은 신생아의 울음이 단순한 감정 표현을 넘어서, 부모의 정신 건강과 사회적 상호작용에 깊은 영향을 미친다고 주장한다.
서울의 한 병원에서는 신생아와 부모를 대상으로 한 연구에서, 신생아의 울음소리가...

 주소 : https://news-korea.kr/559372 기사 공유

 위 기사 본문은 chatGPT가 작성하였으며, 등장하는 모든 인물, 이름, 집단, 사건은 허구이며 실존하는 것들을 기반으로 하지 않았음.

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美 SEC, 바이낸스 사용금지 법안 국회건의 발표 [1보]

[Breaking news] Breaking news. They're saying you're so cute.
[Breaking news] Zoam Middle School disease closed
[Exclusive] Samsung Electronics will receive shares of its executives and employees.
[Breaking News] Cheongsim International Junior High School student was found hanging on the roof of his dormitory...
[Breaking news] & To improve the quality of national defense... Extension of Service for Officers"
[Breaking news] The national tax goes up.
[Breaking news] Lee Jung-woo, on a date, sleep tight until the afternoon is the best!
[Breaking news] Close all schools in Seoul?
[Breaking news] Confirmed at eye level.
[Breaking news] Kwon Ha-yoon won first place in the Food Fighters World Chionship for his wit!
[Exclusive] Seoul Subway Line 8 Meitan Extension Opens
[Roundup] Siwoo's roll. Declares to win with 1c1..
SUNWOO of THE BOYZ, sorry for the controversy over abusive language at Seoul Girls' High School on V LIVE."
[Breaking news] Ham Hye-eun, a brain-sexy woman, has announced that she is now a brain-washed woman, shocking many people.
The Fall of Kim Ji-in, the Youngest Rich Person in Korea
[Breaking news] CU) CEO of convenience stores around the world"
[Breaking News] Biden to launch a nuclear weapon in the Philippines and all the people are in chaos...
[Exclusive] The controversy over Kang Jihye's drunk driving...
[Breaking News] Daegu Kyung* Middle School Student, 5 Killed in Dongseong-ro Stabbing
[Breaking news] & Yang Jin Sung. I told my friend that I was at a loss.Eventually... It exploded and I was sad...
[Breaking news] O
Shake hands with actor Lee Kwang-soo, a freshman at Nowon High School
[Breaking news] A new future with President Moon Jae-in!"
[Breaking news] Park Gunwoo and Kim Minsol are dating!
[Breaking news] I wonder if Puru is a man or a woman.
[Breaking news] Yang Gyu-sung's IQ is the same as that of Yeon Seung-yeon.
[Breaking News] U.S. SEC Announces National Assembly Bill to Ban Binance [1st Page]

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[総合] シウロール1ㄷ1で勝負しようと宣言..
【総合】THE BOYZ SONEY、V LIVEソウル女子高悪口騒動