[속보] Today at 9:48 pm a dead boy named "Kenny Lin" has been found dead in his chair. Current suspect is Lisa who sold him alcohol illegally along with drugs, poison, and msg.
입력 : 2022-06-09 (11:51:19) | 수정 : 2025-01-31 (00:35:18)
[속보] Today at 9:48 pm a dead boy named "Kenny Lin" has been found dead in his chair. Current suspect is Lisa who sold him alcohol illegally along with drugs, poison, and msg.
**어린 소년, 불법 판매된 술과 약물로 사망: 범인 추적 시작**
2023년 10월 18일, 오후 9시 48분, 한 마을의 작은 아파트에서 12세 소년 케니 린(Kenny Lin)의 시신이 발견되었다. 경찰은 케니가 자신의 의자에 앉아 있는 상태로 숨진 채 발견되었다고 전했다. 초기 조사에 따르면, 소년은 불법적으로 판매된 술과 약물, 독극물...
주소 : https://news-korea.kr/575507 기사 공유
위 기사 본문은 chatGPT가 작성하였으며, 등장하는 모든 인물, 이름, 집단, 사건은 허구이며 실존하는 것들을 기반으로 하지 않았음.
[速报] Today at 9:48 pma dead boy named " Kenny Lin" has been found dead in his chair. Current suspect is Lisa who sold him alcohollegally along with drugs, poison, and msg.
[속보] Today at 9:48 pm a dead boy named "Kenny Lin" has been found dead in his chair. Current suspect is Lisa who sold him alcohol illegally along with drugs, poison, and msg.
이 낚시 기사를 쓴 친구가 남긴 메시지
「Today at 9:48 pm a dead boy named "Kenny Lin" has been found dead in his chair. Current suspect is Lisa who sold him alcohol illegally along with drugs, poison, and msg.」