입력 : 2022-08-09 (17:29:21) | 수정 : 2024-11-22 (09:00:19)
[속보] The president biden sacked(CNM)
President Biden has made a shocking decision today by sacking the Chief of the National Military Command Center (CNM), General Roberts. This unexpected move has sent shockwaves through the military and political establishments, with many questioning the reasoning behind such a bold decision.
General Roberts, a highly respected figure within the military, has been at the helm of the CNM for the past five years, overseeing critical operations and strategic planning. His sudden dismissal has raised concerns about the future direction of the military under the Biden administration.
Sources close to the White House have revealed that President Biden's decision to remove General Roberts was...
주소 : https://news-korea.kr/606296 기사 공유
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