[속보] Russia troops gather over 3000 people in Gurada
입력 : 2022-10-02 (19:04:25) | 수정 : 2024-11-22 (00:10:12)
[속보] Russia troops gather over 3000 people in Gurada
Russian troops have recently gathered over 3000 people in the small town of Gurada, sparking concerns and speculation about the reason behind this massive assembly. Eyewitnesses reported seeing a convoy of military vehicles entering Gurada in the early hours of the morning, with soldiers setting up checkpoints and cordoning off the area.
Local residents have been left in a state of unease as the troops have not disclosed the purpose of their presence in Gurada. Some speculate that it could be part of a military exercise, while others fear it may be a prelude to a larger military operation in the region.
주소 : https://news-korea.kr/629773 기사 공유
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