입력 : 2023-12-29 (10:45:52) | 수정 : 2024-11-24 (14:22:33)
[속보] BSV set to sell $78 million (4:00 p.m. EDT)
Today, it has been reported that Bitcoin SV (BSV) is set to make a substantial move in the cryptocurrency market by selling a staggering $78 million worth of the digital currency. This significant transaction is scheduled to take place at 4:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, sending shockwaves through the crypto community.
The decision to offload such a massive amount of BSV has sparked intense speculation and debate among investors and analysts alike. Some experts believe that this move could potentially impact the price of BSV, causing fluctuations in the already volatile cryptocurrency market.
As the countdown to the sell...
주소 : https://news-korea.kr/764041 기사 공유
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