[속보] Corona begins and small business owners take flight
입력 : 2024-07-11 (23:03:47) | 수정 : 2024-11-24 (09:21:01)
[속보] Corona begins and small business owners take flight
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to wreak havoc on economies worldwide, many small business owners are finding themselves in a fight for survival. With lockdowns and restrictions in place, these entrepreneurs are facing unprecedented challenges that threaten the very existence of their businesses.
The impact of the coronavirus on small businesses has been devastating. Forced closures, supply chain disruptions, and a sharp decline in consumer spending have created a perfect storm for these enterprises. Many have been forced to shut their doors permanently, unable to weather the financial strain caused by the pandemic.
For those small business owners who are still hanging on, the road ahead...
주소 : https://news-korea.kr/809598 기사 공유
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