[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Police, report the death of Woo Ji-yeon at 2:15 p.m. on the 11th. The reason is that there are too many school assignments...Professor of Kyung Hee University's "Contact Disorder"
11 November Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Police, report the death of Woo Ji-yeon at 2:15 p.m. on the 11th. The reason is that there are too many school assignments...Professor of Kyung Hee University's "Contact Disorder"
Полицейский заговор, в 2:15 ночи 11 декабря был подан о смерти от рака. В настоящее время работает неполный рабочий день.Профессор 경hi Chenghi University, где он сказал: «Аплодисменты두.