[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Kim Ji-hoo FA! Last season, with a batting average of 100 home runs and 1,000 RBIs, the key is how many years the general manager of Gat Chihong will sign Kim Ji-hoo! In the end, a total of 30 billion to 10 years of contract success! Kim Ji-hoo had an interview. I will stay in Lotte chat room forever and I will make sure to win!
30 November Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Kim Ji-hoo FA! Last season, with a batting average of 100 home runs and 1,000 RBIs, the key is how many years the general manager of Gat Chihong will sign Kim Ji-hoo! In the end, a total of 30 billion to 10 years of contract success! Kim Ji-hoo had an interview. I will stay in Lotte chat room forever and I will make sure to win!
[Throcked] Kimji FA! В прошлом году на 360-километровом забеге в 100 хоум-ранов, очень важно, сколько лет у Ким Чен Ына будет контракт! В конечном итоге, контракт был подписан на 30 миллиардов лет! Ким Чжу Ху взял у него интервью. Мы будем всегда в чате Лотте и обязательно победим!
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