[BREAKING] [Breaking News] After concerns over the spread of the Korona, the postponement of the College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) will be held on Christmas, 25th, the first day of the exam.
2 December Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] After concerns over the spread of the Korona, the postponement of the College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) will be held on Christmas, 25th, the first day of the exam.
[速报] 担心科罗纳大扩散,最终确定高考延期的第1次日期25日圣诞节将迎来高考
[Supported] 25 числа 1 на Рождество планируется сдаться победоносному исполнению, которое закончится из-за опасений Corona о нераспространения.