[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Korea Institute of Curriculum and Evaluation, Identifying the circumstances of the leakage of the exam papers before the exam, "Preparing for re-examination in January...
6 December Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Korea Institute of Curriculum and Evaluation, Identifying the circumstances of the leakage of the exam papers before the exam, "Preparing for re-examination in January...
[速報] 評価院、試験前の修学能力試験の答案流出状況把握「1月中に再試験を準備する…。
[速报] 评价院掌握考试前高考答卷流失的情况,"准备1月份重考...
[Speaked] Оценка, определит состояние утечки предтечей теста, " готовится к повторному тестированию в январе.