[BREAKING] It has been revealed that the student in the 4th class of the 2nd grade of Shingi Middle School, Daegu, cheated on the answer sheet of his right friend during the final exam, 1, 2, and 3 classes on the day of "Mr. Jeon." I'll take care of the school zero. a statement
8 December Share
[BREAKING] It has been revealed that the student in the 4th class of the 2nd grade of Shingi Middle School, Daegu, cheated on the answer sheet of his right friend during the final exam, 1, 2, and 3 classes on the day of "Mr. Jeon." I'll take care of the school zero. a statement
Оказывается, что во время финального экзамена в школе 1, 2, 3 в Тэгу, бывший студент с 4-го класса по новой школе Сукгу разговаривает со своим правым другом. Я уберу 0 баллов на школьном участке. Комментарий