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[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Upgraded to Level 3 Social Distance in the Seoul metropolitan area...There will be no downward action in the future."

10 December Share

[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Upgraded to Level 3 Social Distance in the Seoul metropolitan area...There will be no downward action in the future."

[速報] 首都圏の社会的距離を3段階に格上げ「これからも下向き措置はない」。"


[Скорость] Победит на третьем этапе социальной отдачи столицы..."В будущем никакого нисходящего воздействия не будет."

[속보] 수도권 사회적거리두기 3단계로 격상...."앞으로도 하향조치 없을것." [More News]

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「엄마 ㅋㅋㅋ」

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