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[BREAKING] Park Myung-bo, who worked harder on his cell phone than anyone else, was surprised.

11 December Share

[BREAKING] Park Myung-bo, who worked harder on his cell phone than anyone else, was surprised.

[速報]パク·ジミン、何時間も休まずずっとテレビ見て…誰よりも一生懸命携帯していたパク·ミョンボ びっくりした。

[速报] 朴智旻,几个小时不休息一直看电视,比任何人都努力玩手机的朴明宝,吓了我一跳

[Pakjimin, я был удивлен, узнав, что телевизор был усерднее всех сотовый, не теряя времени на несколько часов

[속보] 박지민, 몇시간동안 쉬지 시간 않고 계속 TV 봐••• 누구보다 열심히 휴대폰 하던 박명보 깜짝 놀랐다 [More News]

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