[BREAKING] Lee Jun-seok, who lives in Yangsan, threw his own poop to Choi Ji-yong.Lee Joon-seok announced that he will continue to throw poop in the future.Will Lee Jun-seok continue to throw his cheap shit?
28 January Share
[BREAKING] Lee Jun-seok, who lives in Yangsan, threw his own poop to Choi Ji-yong.Lee Joon-seok announced that he will continue to throw poop in the future.Will Lee Jun-seok continue to throw his cheap shit?
[This] Ли Чун Сок, живущий в Янсане, бросил дешевое дерьмо в Чжу Чжи.Ли Цзюнь объявил, что продолжит бросать дерьмо.Сможет ли Ли Чун-цзюнь бросить дешевое дерьмо?