[BREAKING] A drug smuggler arrested in Pohang, Gyeongsangbuk-do. The arrested suspect's Internet name turned out to be "Mabong Chil" and was summoned, but was already caught playing a cart in front of the police station.
30 January Share
[BREAKING] A drug smuggler arrested in Pohang, Gyeongsangbuk-do. The arrested suspect's Internet name turned out to be "Mabong Chil" and was summoned, but was already caught playing a cart in front of the police station.
[Самбо] Арест контрабандиста наркотиков в порту Пекина... Было обнаружено имя арестованного подозреваемого, который был назван #MarBongchill , но он уже был пойман у полицейского участка.
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