[BREAKING] [NEWS] Kim, who is attending Jeju West Middle School, has become a prominent figure due to the influence of Corona 19 and is under self-isolation.
24 February Share
[BREAKING] [NEWS] Kim, who is attending Jeju West Middle School, has become a prominent figure due to the influence of Corona 19 and is under self-isolation.
[NEWS] 済州西中学校在学中のキム某氏はコロナ19の影響で完全に太り、自我隔離中
[NEWS] 受济州书中学在校生金某 新型冠状病毒的影响,成为蒸饼者,自行隔离中
[NEWS] Переосмысление и самосохранение под влиянием Киммо Короны 19 на Чеджу
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