[BREAKING] [££] [£££] [££] [££] [££] [££] [££] [££] [££] [££] [££] [££] [££] [£The police said they would legally take action.The victims have filed a lawsuit to receive compensation for mental damage and settlement.
15 March Share
[BREAKING] [££] [£££] [££] [££] [££] [££] [££] [££] [££] [££] [££] [££] [££] [£The police said they would legally take action.The victims have filed a lawsuit to receive compensation for mental damage and settlement.
[КБ ] Эта женщина насиловала ее, что очень шокировало ее население.Полицейские заявили, что они будут подтасовать законно.Жертва в суде попросила выплатить компенсацию за психологический ущерб.
Warning: fopen(./news/save_news_en/192646.html): failed to open stream: Disk quota exceeded in /home/hosting_users/geeksns/www/news_en.php on line 1254
Warning: fwrite() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/hosting_users/geeksns/www/news_en.php on line 1255
Warning: fclose() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/hosting_users/geeksns/www/news_en.php on line 1256