[BREAKING] [Breaking news] A YouTuber named Marin is shocking that Zico, who recently wrote a song called Any Song, has been advertised behind the scenes. This is reporter Kim Tae-sik at the scene. Strong news]
21 March Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] A YouTuber named Marin is shocking that Zico, who recently wrote a song called Any Song, has been advertised behind the scenes. This is reporter Kim Tae-sik at the scene. Strong news]
[«Потому что Марин рассказала мне о том, что недавно видео на YouTube по имени Марин появилось после объявления Тико, который написал песню «Поездка». Это журналист Ким Тхэсик на месте происшествия, и она: [О! Свежие]
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