[BREAKING] [NEWS] Choi, a teenager who lives in Gyeonggi-do, is accused of perpetrating school violence... Prosecutor's Office begins investigation begins.
1 April Share
[BREAKING] [NEWS] Choi, a teenager who lives in Gyeonggi-do, is accused of perpetrating school violence... Prosecutor's Office begins investigation begins.
[NEWS]京畿道に住む青少年、校内暴力の加害者に殺到 検察の捜査開始
【NEWS】生活在京畿道的青少年崔某,被诬陷为京畿代表学校暴力加害者... 检察机关开始调查
[NEWS] Игра превращается в преступника насилия в представительных школах... Начало расследования обвинения