[BREAKING] Lee Ho-jae was found to have pushed ahead with the purchase of shoes even after his acquaintance was dissuaded. The parties involved are silent.
2 April Share
[BREAKING] Lee Ho-jae was found to have pushed ahead with the purchase of shoes even after his acquaintance was dissuaded. The parties involved are silent.
【単独】イ·ホジェ、知人の引き止めにも靴購入強行… 当事者は「黙々と返事」
[独家]李浩宰,被曝不顾熟人的劝阻强行购买鞋子... 当事人"默不作声"
[d] У этого гостя, у главного владельца, также есть талант к покупке обуви... " Стороны ответят 묵