[BREAKING] A man surnamed Kang joined the Communist Party in Cheongju this morning and was found to be living in 207 dong after the Simyoung and Chinese governments sentenced him to death as a gift, but it turned out that he was in 203 dong.
13 April Share
[BREAKING] A man surnamed Kang joined the Communist Party in Cheongju this morning and was found to be living in 207 dong after the Simyoung and Chinese governments sentenced him to death as a gift, but it turned out that he was in 203 dong.
[Thomas] Сегодня утром стало известно, что Кэнмо присоединился к коммунистической партии в Чонгжу и приговорил правительство к смерти в 207 году в качестве подарка к лику и что фактически было показано, что Пак Чонг является той темой для обсуждения.
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