[BREAKING] Lee Kwan-woo, who has become famous for his Internet lamphead...// In an interview, he answered all the questions, "What should I do?"/// A reporter said, "I'm hurt.They're showing reactions such as "" and "Inseong, you're a dog", "Go through".
26 April Share
[BREAKING] Lee Kwan-woo, who has become famous for his Internet lamphead...// In an interview, he answered all the questions, "What should I do?"/// A reporter said, "I'm hurt.They're showing reactions such as "" and "Inseong, you're a dog", "Go through".
[dog] Ли О, он становится знаменитым благодаря стилистике головы…/В одном из интервью он задал несколько вопросов, и ничего не сказал.// Офицер / Одна из наших наград." "У тебя высокая личность, 뒤뒤Переверните, и так далее.