[BREAKING] Lee Kyung-jae, who was attending the middle school, lost his vitality during class and went into the deep mountain and kissed a raccoon on a tree. During the interview, Lee Kyung-jae said, "Raccoon saliva is rich in vitamin H, which helps study."
16 May Share
[BREAKING] Lee Kyung-jae, who was attending the middle school, lost his vitality during class and went into the deep mountain and kissed a raccoon on a tree. During the interview, Lee Kyung-jae said, "Raccoon saliva is rich in vitamin H, which helps study."
В середине седла Ли Сонгчонг, который потерял силы во время занятий, вошел в глубокую горную долину и целовался с орехом, который стоял на деревьях. Во время интервью, студент конкурса объявил, что в спальне енота будет богата витамина H и он поможет исследованию