[BREAKING] [Solo] The government announced monitoring of DC Inside and Ephem Korea from June | Cheong Wa Dae has begun to prepare monitoring work to prevent misogyny crimes against misogyny crimes as if they are gathering female supporters. Cheong Wa Dae seems to have mobilized all departments of the National Police Agency to foster cyber female police officers specializing in science and technology and come up with a solution to the problem of misogyny on the Namcho site. Moon Jae-in president is misogyny.
19 May Share
[BREAKING] [Solo] The government announced monitoring of DC Inside and Ephem Korea from June | Cheong Wa Dae has begun to prepare monitoring work to prevent misogyny crimes against misogyny crimes as if they are gathering female supporters. Cheong Wa Dae seems to have mobilized all departments of the National Police Agency to foster cyber female police officers specializing in science and technology and come up with a solution to the problem of misogyny on the Namcho site. Moon Jae-in president is misogyny.
[democ] Правительство, с июня DishinSide_Epecoria и другие объявили о мониторинге, направленном против женской ненависти, как будто Голубой дом сплотился вокруг группы поддержки женщин, он начал работу по мониторингу против преступлений на почве ненависти. "Чонг Ваде", по-видимому, мобилизовал каждое отделение полиции для развития кибер-женщин в области науки и технологии и продвижения плана по решению проблемы женоненавистничества, происходящего на сайте "Югчо". Последний раз наваждение женщин президентом