[BREAKING] [Breaking News][Breaking News]President Moon was killed at around 8 p.m. today. Martial Law of the Republic of Korea from midnight on the 24th.
23 May Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News][Breaking News]President Moon was killed at around 8 p.m. today. Martial Law of the Republic of Korea from midnight on the 24th.
[速報][緊急速報] ムン大統領、今日の夜8時頃殺害。 24日午前0時から大韓民国戒厳令
文在寅今日晚8时左右被杀。 24日午夜开始大韩民国戒严令
[«Скорость преследование»] Около 8 часов вечера президента Муна. Южнокорейское военное командование с полуночи 24 июня.
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