[BREAKING] [NEWS] The discovery of the bribery case at Jangan Middle School in Seongnam, Gyeonggi Province, and the arrest of a teacher who traded 300 million won worth of precious metals was confirmed. Yonhap News Agency reports Kang Jung-ah.
27 May Share
[BREAKING] [NEWS] The discovery of the bribery case at Jangan Middle School in Seongnam, Gyeonggi Province, and the arrest of a teacher who traded 300 million won worth of precious metals was confirmed. Yonhap News Agency reports Kang Jung-ah.
[NEWS] В Сонгнамской средней школе, расположенной в провинции Чжунцзян, выясняется, что учитель, который выдает взятки за взятку, несет ответственность за 300 миллионов вон за драгоценные металлы. Репортеры Объединенных новостей