[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Lee Do-heon, 25, who lives in Dongdaemun-gu District, lives blind for the rest of his life after his front became dark while doing squats. Shock
8 June Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Lee Do-heon, 25, who lives in Dongdaemun-gu District, lives blind for the rest of his life after his front became dark while doing squats. Shock
[速報] 東大門区に居住する25歳のイ·ドホン君、スクワットしてから 一生盲目として生きて… 衝撃
[速报] 居住在东大门区的25岁李道宪君深蹲时,眼前一片漆黑后,一生都过着盲人生活... 冲击
[Supreb] 25 лет отбивались в основной отряд конституционных сил Донгдэмунгу и провели всю жизнь ослепленной. Шок
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