[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Announcement of the decision of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to eliminate vacations in elementary, middle and high schools nationwide in the second semester of 2021
6 July Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Announcement of the decision of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to eliminate vacations in elementary, middle and high schools nationwide in the second semester of 2021
[速報] 2021年2学期、全国の小·中·高等学校の休みをなくす。疾病管理本部の決定を発表。
[速报] 2021年第二学期全国小学、初中、高中宣布取消假期疾病管理本部决定
[Suptiv] В 2021 году было объявлено о решении устранить все проблемы заболевания, кроме общенационального, среднего и высшего класса.