[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Corona extinction: Breaking news. At 12:23 a.m., the corona became extinct. You can take off your mask.Please take it off, and in 10 seconds, a nuclear bomb will be fired.
13 July Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Corona extinction: Breaking news. At 12:23 a.m., the corona became extinct. You can take off your mask.Please take it off, and in 10 seconds, a nuclear bomb will be fired.
[Supreb] Вымирание Короны: ускоренная турбулентность. Утром в 12:23 утра Корона вымерла. Можно снять маску.Пожалуйста, снимите меня – и я планирую взорвать ядерную бомбу через 10 секунд.