[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Kang Tae-gun, a second-year student living in Yeokgok, thinks about the skills he learned in Taekwondo while looking at his friend while walking on the street. He's so popular on social media these days!
14 July Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Kang Tae-gun, a second-year student living in Yeokgok, thinks about the skills he learned in Taekwondo while looking at his friend while walking on the street. He's so popular on social media these days!
[Sunbo] В долине есть друзья, которые получают по дороге второго класса, и думают о технологии, которую он выучил на тхэквондо, и он имеет сегодня большую популярность в SNS!!
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