[BREAKING] Breaking news, breaking news. Do you remember the murder of a third-grade student at Pyeongnae Elementary School in Hyosung-dong, Namyangju-si, Gyeonggi-do?I'm reporting the news saying it's a lie. Let's watch the news together. https://me2.do/Gw5lvTdz E-News Now, the victim doesn't know that she can't go to jail under the age of 14, and the perpetrator's student reports that the perpetrator's student is the same as the education office.
23 July Share
[BREAKING] Breaking news, breaking news. Do you remember the murder of a third-grade student at Pyeongnae Elementary School in Hyosung-dong, Namyangju-si, Gyeonggi-do?I'm reporting the news saying it's a lie. Let's watch the news together. https://me2.do/Gw5lvTdz E-News Now, the victim doesn't know that she can't go to jail under the age of 14, and the perpetrator's student reports that the perpetrator's student is the same as the education office.
[Продолжение] Быстродействие Вы помните инцидент, когда эффективность третьего класса средней школы в Кёнги-до Намьяне сделала убийство?Он возвращает новости, говоря: «Успехи!». Посмотрите новости вместе с ними. https://me2.do/Gw5lvTdz это новости. Студент, совершивший преступление, не знает, что ему не под силу попасть в тюрьму при 14 лет, и ученик преступника предоставил свою информацию, то же самое, что и к учреждению образования.