[BREAKING] [Breaking news] In Incheon, Gyeonggi-do, and Jeju Island, dogs died of corona, and everyone in the country is injected with river dogs once a year. If you have a dog, please visit the animal hospital.
24 July Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] In Incheon, Gyeonggi-do, and Jeju Island, dogs died of corona, and everyone in the country is injected with river dogs once a year. If you have a dog, please visit the animal hospital.
[6] У берегов Инчхон, Кенги и Чеджу-до щенка заболела короной, и все граждане страны один раз в год делают инъекции в устье реки. Те, кто выращивает щенков, должны посетить зоопарк.