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[BREAKING] U.S. President Joe Biden confirmed coronavirus in the U.S.

25 July Share

[BREAKING] U.S. President Joe Biden confirmed coronavirus in the U.S.

【速報】米大統領ジョン·バイデン(Joe Biden)コロナ確定米国非常事態

[快讯] 美国总统约翰-拜登(Joe Biden)确诊新冠肺炎疫情 美国进入紧急状态

[2] Чрезвычайная ситуация в США, приближающаяся к короне президента Джона Байдена (Joe Biden).

[속보] 미국 대통령 존 바이든(Joe Biden) 코로나 확진 미국 비상사태 [More News]

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