[BREAKING] The Korea Centers for Disease and Prevention (KCDC) confirmed that the nation will be closed in four stages due to the expansion of coronavirus from August 21 to August 30.
3 August Share
[BREAKING] The Korea Centers for Disease and Prevention (KCDC) confirmed that the nation will be closed in four stages due to the expansion of coronavirus from August 21 to August 30.
[快讯] 疾病管理厅" 8月21日至8月30日 因新冠肺炎疫情扩大,确定全民休息4段
[«Управление по контролю за заболеваниями» было определено в период с 21 по 30 августа в Короне, при расширении масштабов национального перемирия на 4 коротких промежутка времени.