[BREAKING] [a trot] Moon Jae-in president at Cheong Wa Dae today, the death of Moon Jae-in, the president's death.Moon Jae-in is president's funeral on August 10, Incheon International was confirmed at the funeral.
8 August Share
[BREAKING] [a trot] Moon Jae-in president at Cheong Wa Dae today, the death of Moon Jae-in, the president's death.Moon Jae-in is president's funeral on August 10, Incheon International was confirmed at the funeral.
[«Президентская резиденция» президент Согэворд сообщила о преамбуле главы государства в 0:00.Похороны Муна Инь были проведены 10 августа на международном похороне в Инчхоне.