[BREAKING] [Breaking News] President Moon declared martial law, temporary restriction on people's basic rights, 42 years after the October 26, 1979 crisis, two-week shutdown in South Korea, "unprecedented work in history, last resort to all commercial, economic and cultural activities."
19 August Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] President Moon declared martial law, temporary restriction on people's basic rights, 42 years after the October 26, 1979 crisis, two-week shutdown in South Korea, "unprecedented work in history, last resort to all commercial, economic and cultural activities."
• "Президент, объявление военных мер, временное ограничение гражданских прав, 42 года с 10.26 в 1979 году, Республика Корея, сохранение экономической зоны С. В. Республики Корея, т.е. Республика Корея, т.к.
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