[BREAKING] [Breaking news] 5.5 steps to increase the number of confirmed coronavirus cases. No private gatherings for more than three people. Academy closed.
24 August Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] 5.5 steps to increase the number of confirmed coronavirus cases. No private gatherings for more than three people. Academy closed.
[速報] コロナウイルス確定者急増に5.5段階… 3人以上の私的な集まり禁止、塾閉鎖
[快讯] 新冠病毒确诊患者剧增,5.5个阶段... 禁止三人以上的私人聚会,关闭补习班
[3] В настоящее время Corona вирусный эмулирует скорость распространения вируса. Запрет на частные собрания для трех сторон, академическое закрытие.