[BREAKING] [Breaking news] I can't breathe because it's so funny. Oh, my God, where does this kind of joke come from? Do you come down to the heirloom? Stop my somersault! Thanks to funny people like you, I can't breathe because it's so funny. Life is very fun thanks to fun people like you. Don't keep such jokes in secret, but quickly take out the contents.
1 September Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] I can't breathe because it's so funny. Oh, my God, where does this kind of joke come from? Do you come down to the heirloom? Stop my somersault! Thanks to funny people like you, I can't breathe because it's so funny. Life is very fun thanks to fun people like you. Don't keep such jokes in secret, but quickly take out the contents.
[«Спокойно» Это так смешно, что я не могу дышать. Божеса, откуда берутся вот такие сверчки? Сумасшедшие до Габори? Пожалуйста, прекратите моё воздушное обслуживание! Благодаря таким интересным ребятам, как вы, я очень смеюсь и не могу дышать. Благодаря таким интересным людям, как вы, жизнь очень интересна. Такие грифы не храните в тайне, быстро извлечь содержимое.
「[Breaking news] I can't breathe because it's so funny. Oh, my God, where does this kind of joke come from? Do you come down to the heirloom? Stop my somersault! Thanks to funny people like you, I can't breathe because it's so funny. Life is very fun thanks to fun people like you. Don't keep such jokes in secret, but quickly take out the contents.」
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[3] 정말 웃겨서 숨을 쉴 수 없습니다 맙소사 이와 같은 드립은 어디서 오는 것입니까? 혹여 가보로 내려옵니까? 나의 공중제☔를 멈추게 하십시오! 당신과 같은 재미있는 분들 덕분에 정말 웃겨서 숨을 쉴 수 없습니다 당신과 같은 재미있는 분들 덕분에 인생이 굉장히 재미있습니다 그러한 드립은 ☔밀히 보관하지 말고 재빨리 내용물을 꺼내 주십시오 14 July
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