[BREAKING] Gras Wu, the server ships in October [comprehensive] ;; [a step] end of the Moon Jae-in president a heart attack ... Novra A, who is virtually constipated with a confirmed case in Busan due to coronavirus, found breathing at the home of 14-year-old Cho *-sung, who caught a cold and caught a cold. China's Communist Party: Lee Kun-woo Bae Jae-eun, chairman of China's 20s
6 September Share
[BREAKING] Gras Wu, the server ships in October [comprehensive] ;; [a step] end of the Moon Jae-in president a heart attack ... Novra A, who is virtually constipated with a confirmed case in Busan due to coronavirus, found breathing at the home of 14-year-old Cho *-sung, who caught a cold and caught a cold. China's Communist Party: Lee Kun-woo Bae Jae-eun, chairman of China's 20s
В октябре был закрыт серверы, за которым слетел; в октябре — сердечный приступ президента # Nobra A, Sungnuancle, практически гарантированный удар крови в результате третьей фазы увеличения числа учителей при отсутствии работы в Пусанской зоне.# Corona accidential excellence in Church (Примечание: EX 14)* Публичная демонстрация в Китае.