[BREAKING] [Breaking news] The police are tracking down the 6 police officers! After that, the helicopter is tracking down. It's dark. No tracking! In addition, the damage caused by the bus rollover was estimated to be 12 trillion won after the death of all mart employees after the death of six elderly people by hitting the apartment's senior citizen center 8 after the gas spill. More damage.
24 September Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] The police are tracking down the 6 police officers! After that, the helicopter is tracking down. It's dark. No tracking! In addition, the damage caused by the bus rollover was estimated to be 12 trillion won after the death of all mart employees after the death of six elderly people by hitting the apartment's senior citizen center 8 after the gas spill. More damage.
[exput] Затем полиция погоня за шестым отрядом! Затем, во время отслеживания вертолета, Следите за темнотой! И шокируя трех детей на машине в детском заповеднике, он врезался в закусочную, после того как произошел взрыв в газовый магазин, и ударил по магазину в супермаркете после гибели шести пожилых людей, ущерб, который автобус обрушился на автобус, составляет 12 триллионов! Исчез