[BREAKING] [NEWS] If you make fake news and catch more than 1,000 people by making fake news for fake news generators, you will receive a cultural gift certificate of 50,000 won. (Tip) Internet community, group chat!
27 September Share
[BREAKING] [NEWS] If you make fake news and catch more than 1,000 people by making fake news for fake news generators, you will receive a cultural gift certificate of 50,000 won. (Tip) Internet community, group chat!
[NEWS] Если вы берете поддельную новость о событии, создающем фальшивые новости, чтобы заработать более 1000 человек, мы получаем 50000 вон на культурные товары. (Tip) Интернет сообщество, ловите Дантокбан!
「[NEWS] If you make fake news and catch more than 1,000 people by making fake news for fake news generators, you will receive a cultural gift certificate of 50,000 won. (Tip) Internet community, group chat!」