[BREAKING] [Breaking news] [Shocked] Fake news spreader, reporter Park Jaewoo. The first execution since 1997. President Moon is against the death penalty, but this can't be helped."
29 September Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] [Shocked] Fake news spreader, reporter Park Jaewoo. The first execution since 1997. President Moon is against the death penalty, but this can't be helped."
[Schock] [Shock] Журналист, распространитель фальшивых новостей, впервые с 1997 года был казнён. Президент Мун: «Я против смертной казни, но ничего не поделаешь."
「[Breaking news] [Shocked] Fake news spreader, reporter Park Jaewoo. The first execution since 1997. President Moon is against the death penalty, but this can't be helped."」