[BREAKING] [Breaking News] [Breaking news] 5th ultra-level distancing from 26th day to confirmed corona [ [] 5th ultra-level distancing] [Ultra 5th day]
2 October Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] [Breaking news] 5th ultra-level distancing from 26th day to confirmed corona [ [] 5th ultra-level distancing] [Ultra 5th day]
[速報]コロナ確認で26日から距離を置くウルトラ5段階実行 [Breaking news]5thultra-level distancing from 26th due to confirmed corona 【カバー】コロナ指定地で26日より離離す
[速报] 确诊新冠肺炎后,从26日开始实行保持距离的Ultra Ultra-level distancing from 26th due to confirmed corona 26日] [Breaking news] [5thultra-level distancing from 26th due to confirmed corona 26日] [Breaking news] [5thultra-level destancing from 26th due trom 26th due th due th due to confirmed coron
[Быстрое сообщение] Запуск 5-го этапа ultra с 26 числа [Breaking news] 5-го ультра-уровневого расстояния от 26-го числа до подтвержденной короны ultra 5 [Speak] ultra 5 [Speaking]