[BREAKING] [Breaking news] The highest number of COVID-19 confirmed cases ever...The new mutation, Colovan, has been upgraded to four levels nationwide, with a 35% chance of death. The government's emergency state... Fortunately, the Colovan vaccine has completed the development of vaccines in Korea.
6 October Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] The highest number of COVID-19 confirmed cases ever...The new mutation, Colovan, has been upgraded to four levels nationwide, with a 35% chance of death. The government's emergency state... Fortunately, the Colovan vaccine has completed the development of vaccines in Korea.
Рекорд количества новых подтверждённых Короны 2 899 человек...Уровень смертности в Колобане, который скоро станет новым вариантом в стране, на 35% выше вероятности смерти правительства...К счастью, вакцинация Колобана может снизить вероятность смерти...