[BREAKING] [NEWS] Around 8 a.m. today, the current COVID-19 quarantine department issued a guideline to lower COVID-19 to the second level. In response, the current Ministry of Education announced that it would go to school altogether and replied that it would go to school altogether from next week.
11 October Share
[BREAKING] [NEWS] Around 8 a.m. today, the current COVID-19 quarantine department issued a guideline to lower COVID-19 to the second level. In response, the current Ministry of Education announced that it would go to school altogether and replied that it would go to school altogether from next week.
[NewS] Сегодня примерно в 8 часов утра в департаменте по контролю и профилактике Короны было дано указание о том, что Корона будет спущена на второй уровень. В ответ на это Министерство образования заявило о своей позиции по проведению полной школы и ответило, что оно проведет полную школу с следующей недели.