[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Breaking News Korea-archives. Another virus has appeared in China. Huddle up. Animal Crossing : sequels, to Animal Crossing of Labor?! Can we promote it with fake news?Bae Sunghyun, the face of the public... The number of scissors multiplied by five? BTS Jung Kook... It turns out that he has a wife of a general public 9 years younger than him. •••The culprit of the death of Hong Seok-min living in Bokdae-dong, Cheongju-si, is true.
28 October Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Breaking News Korea-archives. Another virus has appeared in China. Huddle up. Animal Crossing : sequels, to Animal Crossing of Labor?! Can we promote it with fake news?Bae Sunghyun, the face of the public... The number of scissors multiplied by five? BTS Jung Kook... It turns out that he has a wife of a general public 9 years younger than him. •••The culprit of the death of Hong Seok-min living in Bokdae-dong, Cheongju-si, is true.
[快讯] Breaking News Korea - archives 中国又出现了新的病毒... 聚过来 动物森友会后续作品 NO 东海YO 动物森友会登场?! 能否用假新闻进行宣传...世间的耳目裴成贤.. 剪刀5个 增值?! 防弹少年团 柾国... 被证实有比自己小9岁的普通妻子•居住在清州市福台洞的洪锡珉死亡凶手是真。
[Позже] Breaking News Korea - archives выяснилось, что в Китае появился еще один вирус... Давайте соберемся вместе, чтобы работать над лесным наследием животных.При появлении лесов животных?! Можно ли рекламировать это поддельными новостями...Бэ Сон Хён, общественный интерес. Увеличение на пять чипсов?! Пуленепробиваемая политика... Выяснилось, что у него есть обычная жена младше девяти лет, и преступник, живущий в Бокде-донге, Чхонджу, был прав.
「[Breaking News] Breaking News Korea-archives. Another virus has appeared in China. Huddle up. Animal Crossing : sequels, to Animal Crossing of Labor?! Can we promote it with fake news?Bae Sunghyun, the face of the public... The number of scissors multiplied by five? BTS Jung Kook... It turns out that he has a wife of a general public 9 years younger than him. •••The culprit of the death of Hong Seok-min living in Bokdae-dong, Cheongju-si, is true.」