[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Cheonan's son, Lee Jang-bok, was hit in the ear by a robber's indiscriminate shooting on the Han River and died of excessive bleeding. If only his ears were a little smaller...’
12 November Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Cheonan's son, Lee Jang-bok, was hit in the ear by a robber's indiscriminate shooting on the Han River and died of excessive bleeding. If only his ears were a little smaller...’
Сын Чхонан, Ли Чжанбок, только что был убит в результате неординарной стрельбы грабителя на реке Ханган и умер от передозировки.’
「[Breaking News] Cheonan's son, Lee Jang-bok, was hit in the ear by a robber's indiscriminate shooting on the Han River and died of excessive bleeding. If only his ears were a little smaller...’」